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An Interview with Pam Koch, the Executive Director and Research Associate Professor of Nutrition Education at the Tisch Food Center

Hi All,

Yesterday I had a great interview and discussion with Pam Koch about the eating trends of our society, how they are changing, and what kind of changes she is seeing in school education. pam-kochIt was a very exciting and promising discussion. Study after study shows that more people, from all socioeconomic groups, are paying more attention to the foods they eat, and that providing nutritional educational experiences to children, helps them make better choices. Pam has spent years, working on curriculum that incorporates hands on learning experiences for children, and she has seen a real change in how kids are eating. Especially exciting, is the new curriculum that was built around the PBS documentary, In the Defense of Food, based on Michael Pollan’s book, for middle school children. It is a hands on, peer driven curriculum, that demonstrates to students how they have been manipulated their whole life by corporations trying to trick them into eating foods that are bad for them, and they don’t like that! It is really getting them to think objectively and critically about food advertising, while opening them up to trying healthier foods. If you missed the interview, you can listen to it below.

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